Letter - August 20, 2008
Published by Elder Brady Lee Hafen under on 5:57 AM
Hello Family
Well this week has been another wet one in fact a lot of Belfast, Lilburn, and other surrounding areas are flooded. There is a tunnel they just got done building that is completely under water. They are pumping out 7000 liters of water an hour but every hour 5000 thousand goes back into it so that's going to be a slow one to get dry. Luckily Bangor did not have to deal with it too much other than our grass was flooded; by the way the grass it's alright. I quite liked it. Our grass is very green and happy. But that meant a very wet day for me and Elder Bruce.
Elder Bruce is a very generous man; he came over with a cold and decided to share it with me. So now I have a very runny nose and a sore throat. Which made choir very hard yesterday! By the way I'm not sure if I told you we are in the ward choir, it's a lot of fun because they make fun of me for saying words the wrong way. Sometimes just to be cheeky I will say, "Hey I'm the only one saying it right this is an American religion." They will just laugh at me more then. Our ward is really good fun.
We have another new investigator her name is Heidi, she is Malaysian and has been living in Northern Ireland for 4 years. She was a referral given to us by Elder Headington on his last day here. Anyways we taught her the first lesson and she started to cry at the end. We asked her how she felt and if it was a good feeling, she said yes. We then explained that it was the spirit telling her what we are telling her is the truth, and we are going to teach her again Wednesday. Also I know you would have asked about Elizabeth. She came back home from her vacation and then had more of her family come over. We called her and we are going to set up a time to teach her. She says she is very excited to hear some more, and is sorry for being gone for so long. We are very excited to teach her again and can't wait.
Well this week has been another wet one in fact a lot of Belfast, Lilburn, and other surrounding areas are flooded. There is a tunnel they just got done building that is completely under water. They are pumping out 7000 liters of water an hour but every hour 5000 thousand goes back into it so that's going to be a slow one to get dry. Luckily Bangor did not have to deal with it too much other than our grass was flooded; by the way the grass it's alright. I quite liked it. Our grass is very green and happy. But that meant a very wet day for me and Elder Bruce.
Elder Bruce is a very generous man; he came over with a cold and decided to share it with me. So now I have a very runny nose and a sore throat. Which made choir very hard yesterday! By the way I'm not sure if I told you we are in the ward choir, it's a lot of fun because they make fun of me for saying words the wrong way. Sometimes just to be cheeky I will say, "Hey I'm the only one saying it right this is an American religion." They will just laugh at me more then. Our ward is really good fun.
We have another new investigator her name is Heidi, she is Malaysian and has been living in Northern Ireland for 4 years. She was a referral given to us by Elder Headington on his last day here. Anyways we taught her the first lesson and she started to cry at the end. We asked her how she felt and if it was a good feeling, she said yes. We then explained that it was the spirit telling her what we are telling her is the truth, and we are going to teach her again Wednesday. Also I know you would have asked about Elizabeth. She came back home from her vacation and then had more of her family come over. We called her and we are going to set up a time to teach her. She says she is very excited to hear some more, and is sorry for being gone for so long. We are very excited to teach her again and can't wait.
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