Letter to Brother - November 5th, 2008
Published by Elder Brady Lee Hafen under on 9:16 PM
Whats up Dude?
I noticed I have not written you a descent email in awhile so I thought I better do that. So, what have you been up to you lately? I hear from Mom you are going to the Dominican Republic soon for dental stuff, thats sweet! Where in the world is the Dominican Republic, this is actually the first time i have really even heard of it? Also, will you be getting paid to go to this or how does that all work out? Mom was saying that its for the poor, so, is it a service type of a thing? I don't know.
Tell me how you and Ames are doing and where has Ames been to lately? I know she is all over the world, and whats the latest with Ozzy? I know Ames is always doing funny stuff.
They are advertising for a new movie called Body of Lies with Leonardo DiCaprio in it and the directors are really famous. You will have to tell me how that goes, because from the poster it looks good. Well, I know Mom keeps you updated, so, I will not really repeat anything.
But thanks Dude for always looking out for me, and being such a great example. You are the best and I am so very thankful for you bud. I never would have made it here without you. I love you so much.
Thanks a million,
I noticed I have not written you a descent email in awhile so I thought I better do that. So, what have you been up to you lately? I hear from Mom you are going to the Dominican Republic soon for dental stuff, thats sweet! Where in the world is the Dominican Republic, this is actually the first time i have really even heard of it? Also, will you be getting paid to go to this or how does that all work out? Mom was saying that its for the poor, so, is it a service type of a thing? I don't know.
Tell me how you and Ames are doing and where has Ames been to lately? I know she is all over the world, and whats the latest with Ozzy? I know Ames is always doing funny stuff.
They are advertising for a new movie called Body of Lies with Leonardo DiCaprio in it and the directors are really famous. You will have to tell me how that goes, because from the poster it looks good. Well, I know Mom keeps you updated, so, I will not really repeat anything.
But thanks Dude for always looking out for me, and being such a great example. You are the best and I am so very thankful for you bud. I never would have made it here without you. I love you so much.
Thanks a million,
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