Letter to Bro - April 1st, 2009
Published by Elder Brady Lee Hafen under on 6:49 PM
Well hello Jer
How's it been? Its been a while since we talked. We both seem to get worse at this as we go on, but its great to hear you're doing so well. Mom has got on my calender your graduation and everything. I'm sure you are looking forward to that big time.
Tell me how life is and if there are anymore movies worth watching. I will have you know, you're basically my only connection to the real world because nobody here is American and cares about the good stuff like you and me. Honestly, right now I feel like I'm in the Matrix, and that I'm waiting for somebody to come meet me with a bunny tattoo. Who will then lead me to a person who will wake me up to the real world, and tell me I have lived a dream for the past year. However, it has not happened yet, so, I have to keep waiting.
The mission is really good. I'm very happy right now. My comp and I are good buddies. The work is going well and still improving, so, it makes it better. Well I'll let you go so I can try to email Dusty again since I have not done that in forever.
How's it been? Its been a while since we talked. We both seem to get worse at this as we go on, but its great to hear you're doing so well. Mom has got on my calender your graduation and everything. I'm sure you are looking forward to that big time.
Tell me how life is and if there are anymore movies worth watching. I will have you know, you're basically my only connection to the real world because nobody here is American and cares about the good stuff like you and me. Honestly, right now I feel like I'm in the Matrix, and that I'm waiting for somebody to come meet me with a bunny tattoo. Who will then lead me to a person who will wake me up to the real world, and tell me I have lived a dream for the past year. However, it has not happened yet, so, I have to keep waiting.
The mission is really good. I'm very happy right now. My comp and I are good buddies. The work is going well and still improving, so, it makes it better. Well I'll let you go so I can try to email Dusty again since I have not done that in forever.
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