Birthday Letter to Bro...which was way late
Published by Elder Brady Lee Hafen under on 11:08 AM
Whats up? Alright, so, I know your not that old (his card made a pretty low blow) just yet. But this was the funniest appropriate card I could find. The others here are all gross. Card shopping in Ireland is bad. But I'm sure Russia was the same, although, it was all in a Russian...I'm sure.
I don't know if I told you, but there are lot of Russians here in Ireland. I'm teaching one right now. His name is Andre. He is really cool, but he does not always keep his appointments. So, that's why I don't talk about him that much, but when we do teach him it's good.
Well Dude, I hope you had a great Birthday and did something fun. You will have to tell me about it in your next email or letter.
Much loves to you, Amy, and Ozzy
Whats up? Alright, so, I know your not that old (his card made a pretty low blow) just yet. But this was the funniest appropriate card I could find. The others here are all gross. Card shopping in Ireland is bad. But I'm sure Russia was the same, although, it was all in a Russian...I'm sure.
I don't know if I told you, but there are lot of Russians here in Ireland. I'm teaching one right now. His name is Andre. He is really cool, but he does not always keep his appointments. So, that's why I don't talk about him that much, but when we do teach him it's good.
Well Dude, I hope you had a great Birthday and did something fun. You will have to tell me about it in your next email or letter.
Much loves to you, Amy, and Ozzy
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