May 20 - Letter
Published by Elder Brady Lee Hafen under on 6:49 AM
Hello Hello.
Well Ireland’s top news stories Moves call was last night. Moves come and go so fast for me I don't even notice when they sneak up and hit me in the face. Well Elder Frye is going to be moving. He is moving to Lucan which includes my old area (Ballyfermot). He is also going to be having Elder Byrne’s as his new comp. So he is super excited for his moves call. My news is not so exciting I’m getting a newish Elder named Elder Atkins I think that’s how it's spelled. Next week I will have proper spelling name where he’s from and all that stuff for the website. Anyway he is really strict and my buddies in Dublin didn't like him. I am also his second comp which means I’m the new bad guy who does things wrong from his trainer. I’m trying to stay happy and optimistic with him but as you can see I'm not too happy with it.
But cool story for you Sunday at church a random investigator just showed up to church. Afterward he came and was talking to us. He had talked to missionaries earlier who made an impression on him so he decided to go to church, and he wants to be baptized. I told him the things he is going to have to do like listen to the discussion and so on. But it’s crazy cuz it’s an answer to prayers. I have been asking for something to excite me into mission life again and in walks Liam. So I’m super stoked for it. I think this moves is going to be good for help me, but might be hard as well. But it’s going to help me out loads.
Some other cool stuff Johnson my boy. Is now a zone leader in Dublin and so are a couple of my friends. The mission is really changing for the better; the cool kids are the leaders now which are going to make life so much more fun. But I’m losing some more of my best buddies who are going home Elder Williams who helped me out loads in Ballyfermot when I first got there is going home, he is a legend in the mission. Dinning left last moves. And I’m losing two more the next moves.
I’m sad to hear the news about the Ashworths and Toby that's too bad. The neighborhood is not going to be the same when I get home, has anyone moved while I have been gone?
Things I would not mind having if you would; can you get me a Brightling watch at canal street it’s not a necessity but loads of missionary have nice watches and I would like a nice one as well but other than that nothing really. The main things I want in the package is the album, slippers, face stuff, and some blades for my razor mine have gotten old and are pulling my hair out of my face. Anything extra is up to you.
Well I love you and I don't know what else to write so I will get off.
Much loves
Well Ireland’s top news stories Moves call was last night. Moves come and go so fast for me I don't even notice when they sneak up and hit me in the face. Well Elder Frye is going to be moving. He is moving to Lucan which includes my old area (Ballyfermot). He is also going to be having Elder Byrne’s as his new comp. So he is super excited for his moves call. My news is not so exciting I’m getting a newish Elder named Elder Atkins I think that’s how it's spelled. Next week I will have proper spelling name where he’s from and all that stuff for the website. Anyway he is really strict and my buddies in Dublin didn't like him. I am also his second comp which means I’m the new bad guy who does things wrong from his trainer. I’m trying to stay happy and optimistic with him but as you can see I'm not too happy with it.
But cool story for you Sunday at church a random investigator just showed up to church. Afterward he came and was talking to us. He had talked to missionaries earlier who made an impression on him so he decided to go to church, and he wants to be baptized. I told him the things he is going to have to do like listen to the discussion and so on. But it’s crazy cuz it’s an answer to prayers. I have been asking for something to excite me into mission life again and in walks Liam. So I’m super stoked for it. I think this moves is going to be good for help me, but might be hard as well. But it’s going to help me out loads.
Some other cool stuff Johnson my boy. Is now a zone leader in Dublin and so are a couple of my friends. The mission is really changing for the better; the cool kids are the leaders now which are going to make life so much more fun. But I’m losing some more of my best buddies who are going home Elder Williams who helped me out loads in Ballyfermot when I first got there is going home, he is a legend in the mission. Dinning left last moves. And I’m losing two more the next moves.
I’m sad to hear the news about the Ashworths and Toby that's too bad. The neighborhood is not going to be the same when I get home, has anyone moved while I have been gone?
Things I would not mind having if you would; can you get me a Brightling watch at canal street it’s not a necessity but loads of missionary have nice watches and I would like a nice one as well but other than that nothing really. The main things I want in the package is the album, slippers, face stuff, and some blades for my razor mine have gotten old and are pulling my hair out of my face. Anything extra is up to you.
Well I love you and I don't know what else to write so I will get off.
Much loves
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